Wednesday, February 12, 2014

"Letter From Birmingham Jail" Double Entry Response

"Human Progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability." (P.595)

In the “Letter From Birmingham Jail” Martin Luther King, Jr. he addresses it to the white Clergymen of the south.  Martin Luther King, Jr. understands that the southern clergy commands the respect of their church followers, who look to the clergy for guidance and direction.  He realizes how important the support of the white clergy is to the civil rights movement.  
Martin Luther King, Jr. explained how the approach to the civil rights demonstrations are well thought out and timely. In my mind this quote is hinged to understanding the meaning of inevitability.  Inevitability can be defined as the quality of being unavoidable.  For example something that is inevitable would be death, seasons changing, or a broken heart.  These are things that will happen and cannot be stopped.  I believe that in this quote Martin Luther King Jr. is implying that positive change doesn't just eventually happen over time, but change happens when people do something to make it happen.  In order for positive change to happen, it takes many people’s actions to make civil rights a reality.  Civil rights can also be considered as a step toward human progress.  Martin Luther King Jr. is not just talking about a minor change such as changing a speed limit, he is talking about a much bigger change that will impact the lives of many people.  He is calling for the right for all people to be treated with respect and dignity.  He is calling for an end to racial injustice.  Another important idea I found in this writing was that people cannot just wait for change.  This quote makes me think about another quote I’ve heard before,
“If nothing changes, nothing changes”.  These quotes are based on a similar idea that a problem must be recognized, and that positive action needs to take place that works toward a positive outcome. I believe this is what Martin Luther King Jr. was trying to do. He used non-violent protest to bring attention to the problem which forced a change which eventually lead to a positive outcome.

1 comment:

  1. Olivia, I feel similar to the way you do about MLK's quote "Human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability" you make a great point that his purpose is to show that his actions are needed because things will not change in their own. His actions were justified to help change the treatment of African Americans, and he used this letter to show the church, which you pointed out was a leader in society, that change was needed. Overall great points!
